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Throughout the years of service as teacher, colleague, tutor, academic coach, and mentor— Asha von Liebtag received countless personal emails, cards, notes and messages. Though we can't fit it all, here's some insight into what you can expect when you choose Lit to Liberate! 


"A simple card does not express my thanks for all that you have done. I know I tell you this all the time, but if it wasn't for your class, I wouldn't be able to write let alone survive in an honors class. Not once did I question the work you gave us because it always pushed us to a new level of thinking. You have gone above and beyond to help me grow as a student, a writer, and a person. I cannot thank you enough for showing me that it really does make a difference when a teacher is passionate about their job. I have learned that this is not something that can be taught, only obtained. All in all, your class inspired me and taught me the necessary skills that I need when becoming a teacher. Thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to work hard."

-D. G.

Former Student

"Thank you for being a wonderful roommate, sounding board, and friend. You have helped me grow so much as a teacher, and you set a fabulous model of loving-firm with the kids." 

-C. B. 

High School English Teacher & Writer/Editor

"I can't believe I'm done with high school forever!! As hard as it was, it's an experience I'll keep with me forever. I came into your class with no voice. I didn't know how to vouch for myself and let others see my take on things. But over these past two years, you have shown me that my perspective is important. I'm sad to be leaving you, but the effects you've had on me will be here forever."

-J. K. 

Former Student

 "You’re a wonderful teacher - as was easily seen at back-to-school night last year from your infectious enthusiasm about literature. Moreover, you clearly have a heart and care about your students beyond their academic pursuits. That is the mark of a gifted teacher. We are so lucky to have you and have been thinking of you all summer...  We are so grateful for taking interest in him and being willing to chase him down to ask what was going on - he never would have reached out to you, or anyone, on his own."

-F. & Y. C.

Former Student's Parents 

"I would just like to say thank you for everything you have done for the school, the class, and myself this year. You have truly been the most influential and motivational teacher I have ever had. Your energy and enthusiasm towards everything (even grammar early in the morning) amazed me. Not only that, but you also opened my eyes to a new way of thinking. You helped me to question everything around me and through that I gained a deeper understanding of the world. From questioning Death [in The Book Thief] at the start of the school year to writing allegories to researching social injustices[,] I was able to take on a whole new perspective. 

I never regretted those lunches where I would come to see you intending to spend ten minutes discussing an assignment but end up staying far longer. ... You really inspired me to develop my skills on my own. I really felt that with every assignment I was motivated to strive for my best work, rather than an A. This was a healthy change of mindset in my opinion. Everyone is too focused on getting A's and nothing else, but unfortunately we are forced to focusing on letters. I wasn't entirely sure what I wanted to say in this letter but I knew I had to let you know how big of an impact you had on me."

-A. F.

Former Student

"Many congratulations are in order at the end of this school year. First on your engagement, second on your Trip-City NAACP [Teacher of the Year] Award, third on your Community Impact Award, and finally (and perhaps most importantly) on the beautiful impact you have had on our junior class this year. 

Whenever I am asked about what it is like to work with you I always explain that you do not need me (your manner and ability to meet the needs of our students is extraordinary) but teaching with you is a joy. Your knowledge and manner often make me feel like I am taking a college seminar course when I am with you period 3. While I am so sorry we will not be paired next year, I truly consider myself so fortunate to have worked with you now. I am so happy then that others are recognizing what we at SHS see everyday— your verve and passion for your kids."


Special Education Teacher 

"Congratulations on receiving tenure! You deserve nothing but the best. Even though I'm more than 1,000 miles away, I'm still one of your biggest fans! College has been a bumpy road both socially and academically, but I'm surviving and succeeding. I can't thank you enough for preparing me on both manners. ... I miss you."

-M. R.

Former Student

"I would like to once again [thank you] for saving my kid's life and sanity. After fighting constantly with him over anything that had to do with reading and writing for his entire life, having him actually be enthusiastic about English has been a gift from the gods. J. has genuinely liked and respected you, and that has greatly increased his interest and effort in not only English, but History class as well. He has learned that there are different ways of learning and different ways of expressing what he has learned. And I sincerely believe that will help him greatly down the road. Thank you!"

-K. W.

Former Student's Parent

"Thank you for being an amazing teacher. Your class was the most meaningful and influential English class I've ever had. Your passion for teaching was evident in every lesson and inspired me to learn all that I could in your presence. Beyond enlightening me to the various ways to think critically about literature, you helped me to think better about myself. Your insistence that we (your students) are far more than a letter grade and should not stop testing our limits has remained with me. You are one of the strongest, smartest, and most inspirational people I have met and I hope to emulate your traits as I leave SHS. Thank you for all you have given me." 

-K. K.

Former Student & National Merit Scholar

"It was really my pleasure to talk to you today. A. is a sensitive and introverted girl. I feel very touched by your patience and your efforts to understand each individual student deep down inside and teach accordingly. Thank you so much!"

-R. J.

Former Student's Parent

"Hopefully you are not offended that my spelling or grammar is not too good. It has been too long since I have heard your insight and wisdom on the subject. I just want to thank you for being a great teacher for me and everyone else and most of all a great person. I am being serious when I say that your class was my favorite out of all of high school and most likely my entire educational career. What I love most about your teaching is the emotion you bring to your lessons. It always keeps my heads up and leaves me in a gaze cause I know you are speaking some real deal stuff. ... Thanks for everything."

-C. C.

Former Student

"Stop for a second and just realize how much you do for students. Now accept this recognition of you going above and beyond what is often expected of teachers. ... You're an amazing teacher and I'm lucky to call you a friend. 

-S. P. 

Guidance Counselor

"Since it is Teacher Appreciation week the only teacher that came to mind was my favorite teacher in the ENTIRE school. You're so real and so easy to talk with not like any other teacher. A shoulder to cry on even when someone I can relate to who understands my struggles. Not only do you try to help me academically, but emotionally letting me know that there is nothing wrong with expressing your feelings. I appreciate you every day even though I've been M.I.A. Thank you for all you do I really really really love you.

-D. B.

Former Student

"Your impact on C. has been MONUMENTAL. Thank you for inspiring him and caring for him. You are a gifted and rare, talented educator. We are so happy you came into C.'s world."

-M. & P. D.

Former Student's Parents

"In a world of English teachers who show us how to answer questions and summarize plots, you teach your students how to use literature as a catalyst for deeper thought. Forget picture books— you taught me how to read and write."

-M. R.

Former Student & National Merit Scholar

"A. adores you and appreciates your class so much. [He] just returned home from his midterm exam, and before he told me how he thought he did, he took a moment to reflect on how great you are. He said that he was learning so much from you ... You are a treasure and we are so grateful.


-P. A.

Former Student's Parent

"Thank you so much for an amazing year! I really appreciate you and your outlook on life and how you have challenged me throughout the year. If there is one thing I love and its a challenge so I obviously loved your class. You were on of the most refreshing parts of my day because of your honesty and unapologetic view on life. You've given me a million new ways to think about a million new things and there is nothing better I could ask for from a teacher. You've been such a role model to me and your encouragement has gone a long way for my view of self and world so thank you!"

-R. S.

Former Student 

"By the way (and I am not trying for extra points here) I have been very impressed with what you have presented and taught this year. ... Her writing skills are rusty but improving thanks to you. And I don't know how you do it with a baby at home. ... Anyway, THANK YOU for doing what you do."


-M. F.

Former Student's Parent

"Thank you for being an amazing English teacher. You helped me improve on my English in my junior year and that helped me get better at my creative writing. ... Everything you did teach us has helped me with my current English class and has helped me when I am writing stories. I picked up writing my own stories after taking creative writing last year and your class helped my grammar and analytical skills. I do writing as a hobby now and have a goal to at least publish something one day and a good portion of that passion has to do with your class. It made me realize the importance of writing and that it isn't about the creativity but about the meaning, tone, emotion, and message it has to give. That writing is about expressing one's thoughts on a deeper meaning no matter who the audience is. Thank you so much for being a rockstar of a teacher and hope that your new baby has amazing cheetos moments."

-A. F.

Former Student

"Hi! I hope all is well. I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for pushing me to become a better person and English student. I loved your class and learned so much. I still to this day talk to my family and friends about your openness to talk about anything and to just put a pause on lesson plans for a few minutes if we needed to talk through something. I have always known I wanted to be a teacher and there are teachers I have throughout the years that remind me why and you are one of them. Thank you."

-M. K.

Former Student 

"I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done for me this year. As you know. I did not have a very good experience last year in English and coming into your class this year, in all honesty, I was not too excited. Because of that point, I hated English. But you have really changed my opinion of how I view English class. You actually make me think and achieve things I never thought I could achieve. So, thank you. 

-S. F.

Former Student 

"Your class stands out as the most fascinating and fun English class that I have ever took. Your energy and enthusiasm for the subject was unparalleled to any teacher I have had before. This inspired me to work harder and dig deeper. And because of your teachings, rest assure that there will be at least one critical thinker in our nation's capital next year. :) 

-P. D.

Former Student

"During this teacher appreciation week I would like to thank you for being such an awesome teacher! ... This year, even though it's funny to think about, you're a teacher who has actually taught me English, and so much more about the world. I always enjoy coming to your class and jumping into the action even if it is during the first period of the day; English class always keeps my mind active. Keep doing what you're doing!"

-M. P.

Former Student

"Thanks for listening to my endless rants about, well, everything these past few years— I owe you big time! You truly are one of my favorite teachers. You've inspired me to see the world from a different angle, and to "dig deeper" into a concept. Without a doubt, I walked out of English III a changed person, and this change will help me immensely in the future."

-K. V.

Former Student

"I just wanted to say thank you to one of my favorite teachers I've had this year. You've helped me improve a lot on my writing, reading and on analyzing. Also I really appreciate when you helped me edit my immigrant student scholarship [essay]. Thank you for being such a great teacher and pushing me a bit past my limits. 

-A. S.

Former Student

"I cannot put into words how much you inspire me. Please know that your class was my favorite throughout high school. It was everything a class should be— fun, analytical, interesting, informing, etc! Thank you for just being you! 


Former Student

"You were easily one of the best and one of my favorite teachers ever. You were an inspiration to me and your energy in class made me love it even more. I can easily say I never liked English until your class. I wish I could bring you to college!!!

-N. O. 

Former Student

"I would just like to thank you for a wonderful year! I have truly learned so much in your class, from basic close reading (which I had NO IDEA how to do before) to crafting allegories with a specific syllable count and rhyme pattern. I appreciate all of your kind comments on my allegory, they mean a lot to me because I had worked very hard on that project! Our class was something I looked forward to almost every day, because of our ~interesting~ but super fun conversations. Thanks for being an amazing teacher, I will forever miss Period 8 English. 

-D. P.

Former Student

"Thank you so much for everything you have done for me. I'm so glad to have had you as a teacher and as a part of my college app. I honestly feel that it wouldn't have been complete without your letter of recommendation loaded with your kind words about myself and my writing. I'm excited to see where 2015 will take me as I choose the right college for me. I couldn't have come this far without your encouragement and help. So, thank you, for being my teacher, motivator, and inspiration. 

-A. V.

Former Student

"Thank you for being the best teacher that I have ever had. I learned soo much in your class and I enjoyed coming to class everyday! I hope that you have an amazing summer! 

-B. A.

Former Student

"I really miss your class this year. You were by far my favorite English teacher. You made the class super high energy at all times and it was always exciting for 8th period to come by. 

-P. G.

Former Student

"Thanks for being real with us and actually caring about our education.


Former Student

"Thank you for being so cool and nice. I always feel comfortable talking to you. You just make it so easy.

-T. I.

Former Student

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