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Helping High School & CollegeStudents Succeed!

How Can I Help My Child



man in hoodie and pants sitting on floor

How Can I Support My Child's
Desire to THRIVE


Our Mission

We holistically equip high school and college students with the necessary tools, skills, and knowledge needed to succeed both academically and (in life) in their future career. Our all-encompassing goal is to foster self-directed learners who become resilient, confident, and motivated— ultimately liberating them to think for themselves and proactively shape their own destinies. 

Areas of Focus: 

  • Fine-Tune Academic Routines & Habits

  • Improve Academic Performance

  • Increase Accountability

  • Strengthen Self-Advocacy    

  • Promote Healthy Self-Care Habits

Who Do We Help?

  • The Procrastinators

  • The Personal Growth Seekers 

  • The High Achievers / High Dreamers

  • The Extra Support / Guidance Inquirers

  • Poor Academic Performers

  • Struggling Writers, Readers, & Speakers

  • Conflict Resolution Avoiders & Searchers

  • The Unconfident & Self-Doubters

  • Home Schooled Students

  • IEP / 504 Students

  • One-on-One Coaching / Tutoring Thrivers

  • The Disorganized

  • The Easily Overwhelmed & Anxious

  • Late Work Submitters / Missed Work Compilers

  • Career & Degree Explorers

  • The Unmotivated & Intrinsically / Extrinsically Motivated

  • 1st Generation College Students

  • The Excuse Makers / Unaccountable

Lit to Liberate'sServices

Meet the Founder

Educational Consultant, Academic Coach,

Teacher Mentor, English Tutor 

Asha von Liebtag 

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"Stay Lit for Life!" 


It all started with the bare-bone basics of my English classroom: read, think critically, & evolve! As a certified K-12 English teacher, I’ve always explored & emphasized how literacy extends beyond the confines of a classroom. The tools, strategies, and knowledge learned in English classrooms equip students with the ability to read the context clues of LIFE! It teaches them how to apply different analytical lenses, engage in provocative discussions, and how to think critically for themselves so that they can make smart life decisions. How?! I implore you to "Learn More"!


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"In my twenty years of teaching English at Summit High School, Asha von Liebtag was one of the most extraordinary educators that ever taught there.  She has a constellation of talents and skills that she brings to her work every day:  passion, commitment, energy, joy, and love." 

-Lili Arkin

Retired English Teacher, Restorative Practices Trainer, Staff Developer for the Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility

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"Mrs. V goes above and beyond to ensure her students excel in life outside of the classroom. She helped me find my place in the world, my value and what I can do to promote change.

-Jalen Russell

Former Student, Media Analyst

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"Asha von Liebtag is the most passionate and charismatic educator I have ever met. Not only is she a fantastic English teacher, but she truly cares about the people she works with and works hard to help her students think critically and achieve their full potential.

-Avery Fessler

Former Student, College Admissions Officer

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"As my teacher and mentor, she invigorated my personal strengths that I never saw in myself prior. Her contagious passion for education and the English language pushed me to step out of my comfort zone to explore realms within myself that I never knew existed.

-Molly Richardson

Former Student, Media Analyst

Proudly Served Students at the Following Universities...


Book ComingSoon!


Let’s Connect!

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